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Teacher Buy-In is Imperative. Empower Educators with Professional Development Crafted by Their Peers.

Teacher Buy-In is Imperative. Empower Educators with Professional Development Crafted by Their Peers.

A New Approach to PD for a

New Era of Education

Teacher burnout has hit districts across the country, calling for widespread reexamination of teacher retention strategies. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says more than half a million teachers have left the profession since the beginning of 2020, and 55 percent of active educators told a National Education Association survey they’re considering leaving earlier than they’d planned.

Avanti represents a new, innovative approach to teachers’ professional development, supplementing traditional training sessions and workshops common at many districts with an on-demand, expansive resource library. It’s PD that your teachers can get behind.

Rethink Your Retention and Support Strategies

Reduce teacher turnover and improve student outcomes. Discover proactive strategies for supporting and retaining your top teaching talent. You can choose to get a demo or additional information as well by selecting from the options below.

Rethink Your Retention and Support Strategies

Reduce teacher turnover and improve student outcomes. Discover proactive strategies for supporting and retaining your top teaching talent. You can choose to get a demo or additional information as well by selecting from the options below.

How Can Your Teachers Improve in

5 Minutes or Less?

New teachers crave encouraging guidance from expert educators. Meanwhile, experienced peers with years of accumulated strategies and knowledge often find their once-reliable techniques no longer work as effectively.

When their next traditional “sit-and-get” professional development workshop or PLC meeting might be weeks away—not to mention irrelevant to their latest classroom challenges—Avanti offers a fast, convenient, and on-demand solution right at your fingertips.

In just five short minutes or fewer during a planning period, over morning coffee, a working lunch, or even during a getaway to the gym, teachers can learn a new, proven strategy to impact students and make a difference in their classrooms.

What administrators and teachers love about Avanti

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