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In this informative video, teacher Anita Bond dives into the concept of Withitness by demonstrating the strategy of Noticing Potential Problems in a high school classroom setting. By showcasing her keen ability to be aware of potential issues before they arise, Anita emphasizes the importance of establishing and enforcing rules and procedures in order to maintain a smoothly run classroom. The video serves as a valuable resource for high school educators looking to improve their own skills in classroom management and fostering a positive learning environment.
8 Suggested Strategies | 14:53
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Acknowledging Lack of Adherence to Rules
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Withitness
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Classroom Organization
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Establishing Rules and Procedures
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Withitness
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Acknowledging Lack of Adherence to Rules
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Establishing Rules and Procedures
Strand: Rules and Procedures
Element: Acknowledging Adherence to Rules