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Showing Affection for Students by Greeting Them at the Classroom Door

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In this heartwarming video, middle school teacher Dawna Garvin demonstrates the important strategy of greeting her students at the classroom door to build strong relationships. As the video unfolds, viewers witness the genuine affection and connection Garvin expresses towards each student as they enter the room, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. This strategy not only helps create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment but also fosters trust and rapport between teacher and students. Through her simple yet impactful actions, Garvin exemplifies the power of showing affection and respect towards students, ultimately creating a supportive and nurturing learning community within her classroom.

Demonstrating Affection Playlist

8 Suggested Strategies | 14:13


Middle School

Student Culture



Middle School

Informal Class Interviews



Middle School

Informal Class Interviews
