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Showing Affection for Students by Using Simple Gestures

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In this insightful video, teacher Lea Kleinman demonstrates the power of building relationships with her middle school students through the use of simple gestures. Through her strategy of employing small acts of kindness and affection, such as high-fives, fist bumps, and encouraging notes, Kleinman creates a positive and welcoming environment in her classroom. By showcasing the importance of demonstrating affection towards students, she highlights the immense impact that these gestures can have on fostering strong connections with students. Whether it's a smile, a pat on the back, or a personalized message, Kleinman's approach serves as a reminder of the significance of building relationships in the middle school setting.

Demonstrating Affection Playlist

8 Suggested Strategies | 16:28


Middle School

Student Culture



Middle School

Informal Class Interviews



Middle School

Informal Class Interviews
